File #1: TwoSquare:MPW:Scripts:DirectoryMenu File #2: MPW2:Scripts:DirectoryMenu Extra lines in 1st before 19 in 2nd (File "TwoSquare:MPW:Scripts:DirectoryMenu"; Line 19:25; File "MPW2:Scripts:DirectoryMenu"; Line Æ19) 19 # 20 # Modified by LDO 1989 March 8 so text of first menu item 21 # is set to actual current directory (see also changes to 22 # SetDirectory). 23 # Modified by LDO 1989 May 29 to avoid interpretation of 24 # special characters in text of menu items. 25 # Nonmatching lines (File "TwoSquare:MPW:Scripts:DirectoryMenu"; Line 37:49; File "MPW2:Scripts:DirectoryMenu"; Line 30:34) 37 AddMenu Directory "New Directory" ¶ 38 '(Directory "'"{directory}"'"; SetMenu Directory 1 "'"{directory}"'") ¶ 39 > "{ShellDirectory}"MPW.Errors ³ Dev:StdOut ¶ 40 || Alert < "{ShellDirectory}"MPW.Errors' 41 SetMenu Directory `FindMenuItem Directory "New Directory"` "{Directory}" 42 End 43 # Note: AddMenu checks for an existing menu item with the specified 44 # text before adding a new one. For this reason, I don't change 45 # item 1 to reflect the current directory until all the menu items 46 # have been created, in case one of them matches the current 47 # directory. 48 SetMenu Directory 1 `Directory` 49 Exit 0 30 AddMenu Directory "{directory}" ¶ 31 'Directory "'"{directory}"'" > "{ShellDirectory}"MPW.Errors ³ Dev:StdOut ¶ 32 || Alert < "{ShellDirectory}"MPW.Errors' 33 End 34 Exit 0 *** EOF on both files ***